Department Of Neurosurgery Dokkyo Medical University Koshigaya Hospital | 論文
- Skull Base Metastasis From Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma : Two Case Reports
- Nestin Expression in Vascular Malformations : A Novel Marker for Proliferative Endothelium
- Traumatic Trochlear Nerve Palsy Following Minor Occipital Impact : Four Case Reports
- Functional molecular morphology of anterior pituitary cells, from hormone production to intracellular transport and secretion
- Trans-postpyramidal Fissure Approach for Ventral Vermian Cavernous Hemangioma : Case Report
- Isolated Recurrence of Intracranial and Temporal Bone Myeloid Sarcoma : Case Report
- Pilot Study of the Safety of Starting Administration of Low-Dose Aspirin and Cilostazol in Acute Ischemic Stroke
- Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Patients With Chronic Liver Disease
- Pure Germinoma of the Pineal Gland With Synchronous Spinal Dissemination : Case Report
- Clinicopathological and Molecular Histochemical Review of Skull Base Metastasis from Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma
- Urinary growth hormone level and insulin-like growth factor-1 standard deviation score (IGF-SDS) can discriminate adult patients with severe growth hormone deficiency