Department Of Molecular Biology Nagoya City University School Of Medicine | 論文
- TDP-43 (特集 認知症の発症にかかわる遺伝子)
- 認知症臨床に役立つ生物学的精神医学(No.3)前頭側頭葉変性症と遺伝要因
- A Novel Genetic Algorithm for Designing Mimetic Peptides That Interfere with the the Function of a Target Molecule
- Human IgM Monoclonal Antibodies Reactive with HIV-1-Infected Cells Generated Using a Trans-Chromosome Mouse
- The IgM Antibody Level against Ganglioside GM2 Correlates to the Disease Status of HIV-1-Infected Patients
- Human IgM Monoclonal Antibody to Ganglioside GM2 and Complement Suppress Virus Propagation in Ex Vivo Cultures of Lymphocytes from HIV-1 Infected Patients
- Complement-mediated cytolysis and azidothymidine are synergistic in HIV-1 suppression
- Presence of IgM Antibodies Which Sensitize HIV-1-Infected Cells to Cytolysis by Homologous Complement in Long-Term Survivors of HIV Infection
- IgM natural antibody against an asiolo-oligosaccharide, gangliotetraose(Gg4),sensitizes HIV-I infgected cells for cytolysis by homologous complement
- Impaired IFN-γ production of V_α24 NKT cells in non-remitting sarcoidosis
- Arginine Carboxypeptidase (CPR) in Human Plasma Determined with Sandwich ELISA
- Progression of T cell lineage restriction in the earliest subpopulation of murine adult thymus visualized by the expression of Lck proximal promoter activity
- Distribution of Rat C5a Anaphylatoxin Receptor
- CPR - Total (TAFI and Activated TAFI) Levels in Plasma/Serum of Hemophiliacs
- Characterization of Mouse DAF on Transfectant Cells Using Monoclonal Antibodies Which Recognize Different Epitopes
- mRNA Expression of Complement Components and Regulators in Rat Arterial Smooth Muscle Cells
- cDNA Cloning and Characterization of Rat C5a Anaphylatoxin Receptor
- Gene therapy for renal injury model rat using an adenovirus vector encoding the soluble rat Crry gene
- A novel recognition motif of human NKT antigen receptor for a glycolipid ligand