Department Of Molecular Biology Nagoya City University School Of Medicine | 論文
- Quantification of the CD55 and CD59, Membrane Inhibitors of Complement on HIV-1 Particles as a Function of Complement-Mediated Virolysis
- TDP-43分子による新たな認知症群 (特集 認知症研究の最近の進歩 3学会それぞれの立場から認知症を極める)
- Inactivation of C3a and C5a Octapeptides by Carboxypeptidase R and Carboxypeptidase N
- Elimination of Latently HIV-1-Infected Cells by Lymphoblasts Armed with Bifunctional Antibody
- Measurement of Arginine Carboxypeptidase-Generating Activity of Adult Plasma
- Human IgM Antibody Therapy for HIV-1 Infection
- TDP-43分子による新たな認知症群
- Clinical backgrounds and morbidity of cognitive impairment in elderly diabetic patients
- Serum concentrations of complement anaphylatoxins and proinflammatory mediators in patients with 2009 H1N1 influenza