Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Faculty Of Engineering University Of Fukui | 論文
- フッ化物イオン伝導体 (特集 イオン伝導性固体とその応用)
- Retention and Desorption of Hydrogen and Helium in Inner Wall Material Used for The Large Helical Device (LHD) : Simulation experiments using a glow discharge apparatus
- 超音波噴霧熱分解法による球状 LiCoO_2 微粉体の合成とリチウム2次電池用正極活物質への応用
- Retention and Desorption of Discharge Gases in Wall Materials Used for Large Helical Device
- Morphology of Electrodeposited Ni-P Alloy Film
- Impurity Deposition and Retention of Discharge Gas on Plasma Facing Wall in LHD
- AB_5系水素吸蔵合金粉末上へのNi-PTFE複合膜電気めっき
- Helium Retention of 316L Stainless Steel Used for The First Wall of The Large Helical Device (LHD)
- Isoelectric Focusing Sample Injection for Capillary Zone Electrophoresis in a Fused Silica Capillary
- Highly Porous Organic Nanoparticles Formed from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Mediated Sol-Emulsion-Gel Method
- Hydrogen and Helium Desorptions from B4C Overlaid Graphite and Isotropic Graphite
- Morphology and Hydrogen Retention of Carbon Dust Produced by Hydrogen Discharges in JT-60 (第44回真空に関する連合講演会プロシーディングス--2003年11月12日〜14日,東京)
- Dependence of Incident Angle of Surface Morphology of Polycrystalline Copper after Helium Ion Irradiation
- Deuterium Retention of Vanadium Alloy, V-4Cr-4Ti
- Helium Gas Permeability of Low Activation SiC/SiC Composite
- Deuterium Retention of Low Activation Ferritic Steel F82H
- アルミナ基板上へのNi-P合金皮膜の高電流密度電析
- Ni-Cu合金皮膜の電析と電気抵抗特性
- はっ水性Metal/Ni-PTFE積層複合めっき皮膜の電析と特性評価
- Electrodeposition and Surface Properties of Nickel-PTFE Composite Film (〔福井大学地域共同研究〕センターの活動状況) -- (共同研究、受託研究、客員教授プロジェクト研究「研究成果報告」)