Department Of Materials Chemistry Faculty Of Science And Technology | 論文
- Photochromic Properties of Diarylethene Derivatives Having Benzofuran and Benzothiophene Rings Based on Regioisomers
- 有機フォトクロミズムの最前線(4)ジアリールエテン類のフォトクロミズム
- 最近のクロミズムの化学--フォトクロミズムを中心にして
- Thermally Irreversible Photochromic Systems. Reversible Photocyclization of 2-(1-Benzothiophen-3-yl)-3-(2 or 3-thienyl)maleimide Derivatives
- クロミズムの化学--最近の潮流
- Substituent Effects of 1,2-Bis (2-thienyl) perfluorocyclopentenes
- フォトクロミック反応の物理化学的アプロ-チ--シス-スチルベンの光環化 (有機フォトクロミズムの化学) -- (フォトクロミズムの物理化学)
- フォトクロミックジアリ-ルエテンの最近の進展
- フォトクロミックジアリールエテン : 光メモリへの応用
- 有機光機能材料
- Micrometer-Scale Photochromic Recording on Amorphous Diarylethene Film and Nondestructive Readout Using Near-Field IR Light
- Photochromism of a Chiral Cyclohexane Having Two Diarylethene Chromophores.A Large Optical Rotation Change
- Synthesis and Properties of Photochromic Diarylethenes with Heterocyclic Aryl Groups
- Light-Controlled Selective Metal Deposition on a Photochromic Diarylethene Film : Toward New Applications in Electronics and Photonics
- Unusual Photochromic Behavior of C3-Methoxy-Substituted Bis(2-thienyl)perfluorocyclopentene
- Non-destructive Readout of the Photochromic Recording Using the IR Light in the Near Field
- Photochromic Films Prepared by Oxidation Polymerization of a Diarylethene Having Phenol Moieties
- Photochromism of Diarylethenes on Porous Aluminum Oxide: Fatigue Resistance and Redox Potentials of the Photochromes
- Synthesis of Tetrathiafluvalene Derivatives with Photochromic Diarylethene Moieties
- Substitution Effect on the Coloration Quantum Yield of a Photochromic Bisbenzothienylethene