Department Of Juntendo University Urayasu Hospital | 論文
- 55.新生児頸部神経芽腫の1例(一般演題,第41回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- 急性散在性脳脊髄炎(ADEM)の一例
- 音刺激による Functional MRI の検討
- 水を経口造影剤としたMR小腸造影の有用性の検討
- A symptomatic child with ceftriaxone-associated biliary pseudolithiasis
- P-072A Retropharyngeal neuroblastoma in a neonate : case report and literature review(International Session I, the 44th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons)
- 整形外科領域におけるガリウムシンチグラフィの有用性
- 示II-439 絞扼性イレウス診断におけるCTの有用性(第52回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- Choriocarcinoma of the Ovary Associated with Mucinous Cystadenoma
- Placental Site Trophoblastic Tumor:Imaging Findings
- Tuberculosis peritonitis: Gallium-67 scintigraphic appearance
- Gallium-67 uptake in Bellini duct carcinoma of the kidney
- Usefulness of thallium-201 SPECT imaging for the evaluation of local recurrence of colorectal cancer
- 腹部の画像からこんなことがわかる!--イレウス/消化管穿孔/急性虫垂炎 (特集 「あれ?」と異常に気づける私になる! 臨床に生かす画像の見方)
- Focal Sparing of Segment 2 in Fatty Liver : US Appearance
- Usefulness of ^Tl and ^Tc MIBI scintigraphy in a case of oncogenic osteomalacia
- Thallium-201 accumulation in a patient with brain abscess
- Cerebral blood flow-SPECT in a patient with Sneddon's syndrome
- Intracranial carotid calcification on CT images as an indicator of atheromatous plaque : analysis of high-resolution CTA images using a 64-multidetector scanner
- Quantitative MDCT analysis of pulmonary solid nodules using three parameters