Department Of Environmental Health Sciences Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine | 論文
- O1-D-17 消化器症状を伴う小児の聴性脳幹反応と母親の養育態度の特徴(小児・思春期,一般口演,ストレス時代の『こころ』と『からだ』,第51回日本心身医学会総会ならびに学術講演会)
- メチル水銀曝露の多様性と健康リスク (特集 環境リスク)
- 金属 水銀 (広範囲 血液・尿化学検査 免疫学的検査(第7版・2)その数値をどう読むか) -- (生化学的検査(2))
- わが国における研究事例--東北スタディ (AYUMI 動き出した"エコチル調査"--環境省「子どもの健康と環境に関する全国調査」)
- 人と健康と環境と
- 平成21年度厚生労働科学研究(化学物質リスク研究) 化学物質と環境・健康
- 3つの肥満判定指標別にみた仙台市児童・生徒の肥満児の出現率について
- 安全基準に関連する動物実験のジレンマ
- 次期学術総会会長講演 衛生学と環境保健--Behavioral Teratologyから小児の環境保健へ (第79回 日本衛生学会学術総会)
- 東北コーホート調査とばく露評価
- Genotoxicity Studies of Heavy Metals : Lead, Bismuth, Indium, Silver and Antimony
- Effect of Pioglitazone on Body Fat and Intramuscular Fat Accumulation in Otsuka Long- Evans Tokushima Fatty Rats : Its Relation to the Expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha mRNA (Original)
- Subcutanous Fat Accumulation and Thiazolidinedione Derivatives : Sex Differences and Their Relation to Glycemic Control (Original)
- Effects of Long-term Bezafibrate Treatment on Body Fat Accumulation and Tissue Triglyceride Content in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty Rats: Its Relation to the Expression of Uncoupling Protein 3 mRNA (Original)
- Novel Polyethylene Glycol Conjugated S-Nitrosylated Hemoglobin Potently Inhibits Platelet Activation and Adhesion to Artificial Surfaces : Therapeutic Implications for Platelet-Rich Thrombus
- Effects of hemoglobin derivatives on the liver microcirculation system ; evaluation of the s-nitroso-polyethylene glycol modified hemoglobin as an artificial oxygen carrier
- Permanent Waving Does not Change Mercury Concentration in the Proximal Segment of Hair Close to Scalp
- Relationship between the β_3-Adrenoceptor Gene Variant and Body Fat in Japanese Children
- Protective Effect of Melatonin on Methylmercury-Induced Mortality in Mice
- Effects of Hair Treatment on Hair Mercury-The Best Biomarker of Methylmercury Exposure?