Department Of Electronics And Computer Engineering Gifu University | 論文
- Simulations of Nanometric Optical Circuits: Open-Type Surface Plasmon Polartion Gap Waveguide
- Experimental Discussion on Eye-Safe 1.54μm Photon Counting Lidar Using Avalanche Photodiode
- High-Pressure FT-IR Spectra of Liquid and Crystalline CH_2F_2 up to 13 GPa
- Mode-Gruneisen Parameters of Molecular Crystals and Their Pressure Dependence : Some Halogenated Methanes
- High-Pressure Raman Study of Liquid and Crystalline CH_2F_2 up to 29 GPa
- Combinatorial aspects of an autonomous system with ternary collisions and of a three person tournament game(New Developments in Statistical Physics Similarities in Diversities,YITP Workshop)
- Characteristics of InAlGaAs/InAlAs Superlattice Avalanche Photodiodes for Ultra-low Optical Power Detection in the Near Infrared
- Phase Transition in (CH_3NH_3)_3Bi_2Br_9 Single Crystal
- A Stochastic Construction of Golay Code
- Simulations of Two-Dimensional Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscope by Boundary Integral Equation Method : p-polarization
- C-1-12 The calculation of far-field scattering properties by multiple spheres configuration
- Propagation characteristics of the surface plasmon polariton trench waveguides
- High-Pressure Brillouin Study on Orientationally Disordered Solid Phase I of H_2S and D_2S
- Imaging Simulation of Near Field Optical Scanning Microscope : Comparison between Dielectric Probe and Metal-Coated Aperture Probe
- Rain Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Multiple Spheres Model (光エレクトロニクス)
- Rain Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Multiple Spheres Model (マイクロ波)
- Rain Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Multiple Spheres Model (マイクロ波・ミリ波フォトニクス)
- Rain Attenuation of Electromagnetic Waves by Multiple Spheres Model (エレクトロニクスシミュレーション)
- Electromagnetic Scattering of Gaussian beams by Multiple Spheres Configuration
- Improved Algorithms for Calculating Addition Coefficients in Electromagnetic Scattering by Multi-Sphere Systems