Department Of Earth Resources Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University | 論文
- Removal of ferric ions from acid mine water with recycled rock wool (第5回日韓資源リサイクル・材料科学に関する国際シンポジウム特集号)
- Effects of Chronic Administration of Bopindolol on the Binding Characteristics of Cardiac α_-, α_-, β_1- and β_2-Adrenoceptor Subtypes in Cardiac Muscles of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR)
- 熱収支法による雲仙地獄からの放熱量の高精度評価
- 地中熱利用冷暖房システムによる重力計室恒温化設計
- 福岡市における環境共生住宅の地中熱利用冷暖房システム
- 福岡市南部地域の低温熱水系について
- PA10 地磁気変化から見た九重硫黄山地下浅部の冷却
- A30 雲仙火山における繰り返し重力測定
- A15 阿蘇火山中岳第一火口から放出される火山ガス成分の最近の変化 : フーリエ変換赤外分光法 (FT-IR) による遠隔観測
- Spectral Analysis of Aeromagnetic Data for Geothermal Exploration of Quaseir Area, Northern Red Sea, Egypt
- Design and Application of High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey over Gebel Duwi Area and its Offshore Extension, Egypt
- Concentration of Gold(I) Thiosulfate Complex Ions on the Surface of Alumina Gel and their Change in Chemical State : Preliminary Experiment in the Elucidation of the Formation Mechanism of Epithermal Gold Deposits
- 電磁検層データによる比抵抗と誘電率のイメージング
- Reconstruction of Resistivity Profile Using Cross-well Electromagnetic Data
- Thematic short communication: Origin of bornite pods in intrusive rocks at the Kingking porphyry copper-gold deposit, southeastern Mindanao, Philippines
- Geochemical characteristics of intrusive rocks, southeastern Mindanao, Philippines: implication to metallogenesis of porphyry copper-gold deposits
- Occurrences of Ore Minerals and Fluid Inclusion Study on the Kingking Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, Eastern Mindanao, Philippines
- Evaluation of the Interobserver Agreement in the Number of Mitotic Figures of Breast Carcinoma as Simulation of Quality Monitoring in the Japan National Surgical Adjuvant Study of Breast Cancer (NSAS-BC) Protocol
- Association of TP53 and MDM2 polymorphisms with survival in bladder cancer patients treated with chemoradiotherapy
- 八丁原地域の鉄に富む酸性の熱水から生じた珪酸質沈殿物中の金濃度