Department Of Biotechnology Senshu University Of Ishinomaki | 論文
- ヒマラヤンマウスにおけるチロシナーゼ一次構造変異の解析
- 4 東北地方の野生動物調査体制の構築を目指して(自由集会報告,第16回野生生物保護学会・日本哺乳類学会2010年度合同大会)
- じつは大陸で分かれた北と南のニホンジカ (特集 生物地理学,分子生物学と出会う--生物地理学の新展開)
- Phylogenetic characterization of three morphs of mussels (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) inhabiting isolated marine environments in Palau Islands
- Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships among Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellanae) Inferred from Mitochondrial Cytochrome-b Gene Sequences
- マウス毛包におけるアグチ遺伝子座の発現(発生学)
- 器官培養におけるメラニン合成系転換の誘導(発生学)
- マウス皮膚よりの色素顆粒の単離(発生学)
- Effects of Benidipine Hydrochloride on Cytokine-Induced VCAM-1 Expression in Human Aortic Endothelial Cells (Atherosclerosis, Basic 7 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Stable isotope compositions of arctic copepods in the Greenland Sea in winter (scientific note)
- Neutron Activation Analysis of Trace Metals in the Livers of Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon)
- Frequent occurrence of partial albinism in lesser Japanese moles (Mogera imaizumii) on Kinkazan Island, Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan
- 東北地方の野生動物調査体制の構築を目指して
- 親子判定で明らかになったツキノワグマ幼獣の単独行動
- Correlation between genetic diversity and neonatal weight of sika deer (Cervus nippon) fawns
- ブタ胎仔の臓器に含まれる元素の放射化分析(講演4,放射化分析の新展開)
- Population genetic structure of the striped silverside, Atherinomorus endrachtensis (Atherinidae, Atheriniformes, Teleostei), inhabiting marine lakes and adjacent lagoons in Palau : marine lakes are "Islands" for marine species
- Assessment of genotyping accuracy in a non-invasive DNA-based population survey of Asiatic black bears (Ursus thibetanus) : lessons from a large-scale pilot study in Iwate prefecture, northern Japan
- A new therapy for Alzheimer's disease
- Survival rates between males and females