Department Of Bioproductive Science Faculty Of Agriculture Utsunomiya University | 論文
- Microstructure Characteristics of the Cornea in Birds and Mammals
- PJ-633 Alcohol produces imbalance of adrenal and neuronal sympathtic activity in patients with alcohol-induced NMS(Autonomic Nervous System 5 (H) : PJ106)(Poster Session (Japanese))
- OJ-453 The long-term effect of cilostazol in patients with sino-atrial nodal dysfunction(Arrhythmia, Pharmacological Therapy 5 (A) : OJ55)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- Sensitive fluorescent microplate bioassay using recombinant Escherichia coli with multiple promoter-reporter units in tandem for detection of arsenic(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Determination of Carbamazepine by Chemiluminescence Detection Using Chemically Prepared Tris(2, 2'-bipyridine)-ruthenium (III) as Oxidant
- Genetic replacement of tesB with PTE1 affects chain-length proportions of 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids produced through β-oxidation of oleic acid in Escherichia coli(ENZYMOLOGY, PROTEIN ENGINEERING, AND ENZYME TECHNOLOGY)
- Analysis of Expression Profiles of Islet-associated Transcription and Growth Factors During β-Cell Neogenesis from Duct Cells in Partially Duct-ligated Mice
- β Cell Neogenesis from Ducts and Phenotypic Conversion of Residual Islet Cells in the Adult Pancreas of Glucose Intolerant Mice Induced by Selective Alloxan Perfusion
- Immunohistochemical Localization of Betacellulin a New Member of the EGF Family in Normal Human Pancreas and lslet Tumor Cells
- Multicenter Genetic Study of Retinitis Pigmentosa in Japan : I. Genetic Heterogeneity in Typical Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Multicenter Genetic Study of Retinitis Pigmentosa in Japan : II. Prevalence of Autosomal Recessive Retinitis Pigmentosa
- The Role of the Low-Amplitude Potential in the Initial Signal-Averaged P Wave Electrogram in the Sick Sinus Syndrome
- Alcohol-induced neurally mediated syncope : characteristics in humoral responses during headup tilt
- Localization of Sinus Nodal Impulset : Sinus Node Electrograms Mapping Guided by Intracardiac Echocardiography
- Transient Current Study of Ultraviolet-Light-Soaked States in n-Pentyl-p-n-Cyanobiphenyl
- A new arginine substitution mutation of DSRAD gene in a Chinese family with dyschromatosis symmetrica hereditaria
- C-3-2 Tunable high channel-count notch filter based on a phase-shifted phase-only sampled FBG
- C-3-21 Nonuniformly-spaced all-fiber optical comb filter based on a pair of fiber Bragg gratings
- C-3-83 45-Channel Linearly Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating Based on Phase-only Sampling
- C-3-71 Optical MEMS pressure sensor based on Fabry-Perot interferometry