Department Of Biology Yale University | 論文
- Hormonal Induction of Vascular Differentiation in Cultured Zinnia Leaf Disks
- The Effects of Some Polyamine Biosynthetic Inhibitors on Growth and Morphology of Phytopathogenic Fungi
- Polyamine Biosynthesis during Vegetative and Floral Bud Differentiation in Thin Layer Tobacco Tissue Cultures
- Purification and Characterization of Amyloplasts from Etiolated Epicotyls of Pisum sativum
- Effects of Some Growth Regulators on Polyamine Biosynthetic Enzymes in Etiolated Pea Seedlings
- Changes in Polyamine Titer in Etiolated Pea Seedlings Following Red Light Treatment
- Effects of cycloheximide and kinetin pretreatments on responses of susceptible and resistant Avena leaf protoplasts to the phytotoxin victorin
- Effect of Inhibitors of Polyamine Biosynthesis on Gibberellin-Induced Internode Growth in Light-Grown Dwarf Peas
- Leaf pretreatment with senescence retardants as a basis for oat protoplast improvement
- Macromolecular synthesis in oat leaf protoplasts
- In Vivo Inhibition of Polyamine Biosynthesis and Growth In Tobacco Ovary Tissues
- Inhibition of Uredospore Germination and Germ Tube Growth by Inhibitors of Polyamine Metabolism in Uromyces Phaseoli L
- Morphological Features of Embryogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster Infected with a Male-killing Spiroplasma : Developmental Biology
- A requirement for protein synthesis during the curvature of citrus petals
- Cloning of catBCIJFD Genes for Catechol Degradation into Chromosomal pobA and Genetic Stability of the Recombinant Acinetobacter calcoaceticus