Department Of Biochemistry Nagoya University School Of Medicine | 論文
- Partial Purification and Characterization of a CAAX-Motif-Specific Protease from Bovine Brain Using a Novel Fluorometric Assay
- Leader Peptidase from Escherichia coli: Overexpression, Characterization, and Inactivation by Modification of Tryptophan Residues 300 and 310 with N-Bromosuccinimide
- Expression Profile of Mouse BWF1, a Protein with a BEACH Domain, WD40 Domain and FYVE Domain
- Liver metastasis 30 years after enucleation of the left eyeball for choroidal melanoma
- Late Phase Images in Whole Liver Double Phase CT during Hepatic Arteriography in the Diagnosis of Well-differentiated Hepatocellular Carcinomas
- Midkine (MK) Expression in Extraembryonic Tissues, Amniotic Fluid, and Cerebrosphinal Fluid during Mouse Embryogenesis
- An Anonymous Bidding Protocol without Any Reliable Center (特集 情報セキュリティの理論と応用)
- A Linkable Group Signature and Its Application to Secret Voting
- An Optical-Drop Wavelength Assignment Algorithm for Efficient Wavelength Reuse under Heterogeneous Traffic in WDM Ring Networks(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- P2PMM_router : A Two-Stage Heuristic Algorithm to Peer-to-Peer Multicast Routing Problems in Multihome Networks(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- An Efficient On-Line Electronic Cash with Unlinkable Exact Payments(Cryptography and Information Security, Information Theory and Its Applications)
- Group Signature Scheme with Signature Tracing and Its Application to an Electronic Coupon System (特集 21世紀のコンピュータセキュリティ技術)
- Sealed-Bid Auctions with Efficient Bids Using Secure Bit-Slicing Conversion(Cryptography and Information Security)(Information Theory and Its Applications)
- A Group Signature Scheme with Efficient Membership Revocation for Middle-Scale Groups(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
- An Efficiency Improvement on an Unlinkable Divisible Electronic Cash System
- Induced triploidy in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas, and performance of triploid larvae
- Mutational analysis of MECP2 in Japanese patients with atypical Rett syndrome
- Mutation analysis of two Japanese patients with Fanconi-Bickel syndrome
- Localization of Connexin 26, 32 and 43 in Rat Parotid Glands
- The Spatial Distributions of SO and N_2H^+ in Taurus Molecular Cloud-1(TMC-1)