Department Of Bio-medical Engineering Tokai University | 論文
- Sitzball 着座時の覚醒水準変動
- 回転する図形を注視した際の重心動揺に関する研究
- 重心動揺とマイクロバイブレーションの周波数解析による比較検討
- 数理モデルを用いた重心動揺のランダム性の検討
- 神経疾患患者における重心動揺のランダム性の検討
- Partial Left Ventriculectomy in Pediatric End-Stage Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Accessory Hepatic Vein Complicating Extra-cardiac Total Cavopulmonary Connection
- Indications for Partial Left Ventriculectomy in Pediatric Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Partial Left Ventriculectomy in a 3-Year-Old Boy With Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Risk and Management of a Perforation Complicating an Endoscopic Resection of Superficial Gastric Cancer and Adenoma
- Visual event-related potential in mild dementia of the Alzheimer's type
- Hepatitis G virus infection after blood transfusion in patients with chronic liver disease treated surgically for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Nucleotide sequences of hepatitis GB virus C. Identification of highly conserved domains in the 5' noncoding region and detection by polymerase chain reaction
- Basal ganglia lesions in corticobasal degeneration differ from those in Pick's disease and progressive supranuclear palsy: A topographic neuropathological study of six autopsy cases
- Selective enlargement of the fourth ventricle in Machado-Joseph disase: With special reference to the neuroradiological and neuropathological correlation
- Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy : Clinicopathological study of eight autopsy cases with special reference to the clinicopathological correlation between pyramidal sign and involvement of the pyramidal tract
- Clinical features of hepatitis B virus genotype A in Japanese patients
- Efficacy of prolonged interferon therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C with HCV-genotype 1b and high virus load
- Localization of Cathepsins B, D, L, LAMP-1 and μ-Calpain in Developing Hair Follicles
- P-10 Localization of Cathepsin B and μ Calpain in Hair Follicles of Neonatal Rats.