Department Of Anatomy 2 Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University Faculty Of Medicine | 論文
- The Diabetic State Increases the Activity but Not the Number of Peritoneal Macrophages in the GK Rat Promoting the Tube Formation of Cultured Endothelial Cells in Rat Aorta
- Competence Effect of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor on Cell Cycle in Subcultured Endothelial Cells of Rat Aorta by Flow Cytometry
- Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Blocks the Cell-Cycle Transition from the G_0 to G_1 Phase in Subcultured Angiogenic Endothelial Cells in Rat Thoracic Aorta
- A Computer Analysis of Effects of Annealing on InP Insulator-Semiconductor Interface Properties Using MIS C-V Curves : Surfaces, Interfaces and Films
- Effect of Cs Adsorption on Surface Impedance of Thermally-Cleaned Si(111)7×7 Wafer
- Nickel-promoted Fabrication of Multicreviced Carbon Nanotubes with Improved Electrochemical Capacitance
- A-34 Electron and ion microscopy of splenic granule cells of African toad for element constituents on fresh frozen dried ultrathin sections
- Distribution of Dendritic Cells in the Lymphoid Tissue of lnterleukin 2 Receptor γ Chain Knockout Mouse
- A Rapid and Simple Fixation-Staining Technique of Fresh Frozen Cryostat Sections for SIMS Microscopy
- Repeated Antigen Challenge Modulates Expression of Follicular Dendritic Cell(FDC) Related Molecule in Draining Lymph Nodes
- Applying secondary ion mass spectrometry to the analysis of elements in goblet cells of conjunctiva
- Fine structures of the rat lymph node after Deferoxamine administration
- Ferritin containing cells in the cytoplasm of the rat lymph nodes and kidney
- Elements and organic substances in epiretinal proliferative tissue excised during vitreous surgery : analysis by time-of -flight secondary-ion mass spectrometry
- Elastic fibers associated with collagenous fibrils in the rat lymph-node reticular cells
- Ultrastructural Localization of Adenylate Cyclase in Rat Lymph Nodes
- Staining Properties of Connective Tissue and Mucosal Mast Cells of The Rat
- Effects of Strong Electrolytes on The Staining Property of Rat Mast Cell Granules in Iron alum-Alcian blue-Safranine Stain
- Acid Phosphatase Activity of Reticular Cells of the Rat after injection of Ferritin or HRP
- EDS X-ray Microanalysis of Rat Spermatozoa on Fresh Air-Dried Spreads.