Department Of Analytical Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hoshi University | 論文
- PJ-663 Chromatin Remodeling by Histone Deacetylase (HDAC) Inhibitor Controls the Commitment of Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) Via p38 Mitogen Activator Protein Kinasis (p38MAPK)(Molecular biology, vascular-4, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the
- OE-098 A Single Cell Evaluation of Endothelial Progenitor Cell, Hematopoietic Stem Cell and Hemangioblast in Cord Blood CD 133 Positive Cells(Regeneration (angiogenesis/myocardial regeneration)-1, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circula
- FRS-044 Stromal Cell-Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXCR4 Signals Modulate the Maturation of Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs).(Vascular Biology in Endothelial Cells (basic), The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- ワンポットグリコシル化反応を基盤とする糖鎖迅速合成法の開発
- Effects of basic fibroblast growth factor on osteoblast-related gene expression in the process of medullary bone formation induced in rat femur
- Possible involvement of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism in male patients with ossification of spinal ligaments
- Improvement of periarticular osteoporosis in postmenopausal women with rheumatoid arthritis by β-alanyl-L-histidinato zinc: a pilot study
- Menatetrenone plus alfacalcidol treatment for bone problems in eight children with skeletal unloading
- Vitamin K may improve bone disorder in long-term glucocorticoid-treated children with vitamin D supplementation
- β-Alanyl-L-histidinato zinc may improve periarticular osteoporosis in rheumatoid arthritis patients
- Locally infused insulin-like growth factor-I into femur stimulates gene expression and bone turnover in old rats
- Growth and bone mineral density in a child with X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets: Early response treatment
- An Extremely Large Solitary Primary Paraganglioma of the Lung : Report of a Case
- リン脂質二分子膜における全反射熱レンズ信号のゆらぎ解析(ナノ空間と分析化学)
- インクジェットマイクロチップを用いるガスクロマトグラフィーのための超微量インジェクターの開発(ナノ空間と分析化学)
- 酸化チタンを被覆したデニューダー管を用いるトリメチルアミン吸収溶液中の試薬ブランクの低減
- ヘッドスペースガスクロマトグラフィー-表面イオン化検出器による大気中の微量トリメチルアミンの定量
- ピロカテコールバイオレットを前濃縮した高分子液膜を用いた抽出吸光光度法による水中アルミニウムの定量(若手研究者の初論文特集)
- Preparation of Two-dimensionally Ordered Microbeads Structure Dispensed with an Ink-jet and Its Application to ELISA
- Rapid ELISA in Droplet on PDMS Dimple with Nanoliter Reagents Dispensed by Ink-jet Microchip