Communication Research Laboratory Ministry Of Posts And Telecommunications | 論文
- P118 1.3GHz帯ウィンドプロファイラの同一周波数干渉の一検討 : 市街地における干渉の影響がない離隔距離
- LF及びMF電波のロケット観測による冬季夜間下部電離層の電子密度推定(アンテナ・伝搬)
- Study of π^+π^- Pair Production in a Two-Photon Process at TRISTAN : VENUS Collaboration
- Simulation Study of Time-Walk Issues for Drift Tubes
- Relationship between Surface Roughness and Barrier Uniformity
- Propagation Losses of Guild Waves in Metallized Sidewall Waveguides
- Wind Profiling with an Eye-Safe Coherent Doppler Lidar System : Comparison with Radiosondes and VHF Radar
- Antiproton-nucleon Annihilation into π^oM and ηM with M=η, ω, ρ, and πin Antiproton-deuterium Annihilation at Rest : Elementary Particles and Fields
- Temperature Dependence of Hot-Electron-Induced Electroluminescence from Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon
- Electroluminescence and Avalanche Multiplication at Electric Field Strength Exceeding 1 MV/cm in Hydrogenated Amorphous SiC Alloy
- Effect of Free Carriers on ac-Driven Electroluminescent Devices with Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbide Thin Films
- Role of Carbon and Hydrogen in Reactive Ion Etching of InP by Gas Mixture of Ethane and Hydrogen
- Open-Tube Zn Diffusion Method for InGaAsP/InP Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors
- Micro-Turbulence in the Solar Wind at 5-76 Rs Observed with Interplanetary Scintillation
- Evolution of the Solar Wind Structure in the Acceleration Region during 1990-1993 (STEP Interval)
- Solar Wind Motion near the Sun Derived from Simultaneous Interplanetary Scintillation Observations at 2 GHz and 8 GHz
- Josephson Current in Microbridges of YBa_2Cu_3O_ Thin Films Prepared by CVD
- Bridge Type Josephson Junctions in MO-CVD Thin Films
- B-2-21 ウィンドプロファイラの狭帯域化の検討(B-2.宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス,一般セッション)
- Development of scanning-beam VHF auroral radar system (extended abstract)