Committee For Epidemiology And Clinical Management Of Atherosclerosis | 論文
- Elderly Patients
- Treatment-Drug Therapy
- Treatment-Therapeutic Lifestyle Modification
- Primary Hyperlipidemia
- Metabolic Syndrome
- Risk Factors of Atherosclerotic Diseases : Executive Summary of Japan Atherosclerosis Society (JAS) Guideline for Diagnosis and Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases for Japanese
- Goals of Dyslipidemia Management : Executive Summary of Japan Atherosclerosis Society (JAS) Guideline for Diagnosis and Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases for Japanese
- Diagnostic Criteria for Dyslipidemia : Executive Summary of Japan Atherosclerosis Society (JAS) Guideline for Diagnosis and Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases for Japanese
- Executive Summary of Japan Atherosclerosis Society (JAS) Guideline for Diagnosis and Prevention of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases for Japanese
- Increased heart rate variability during sleep is a predictor for future cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes
- PE-412 Triggering of AMI : The Ambient Temperature is Related to the Onset of AMI : Takashima AMI Registry(PE069,Preventive Medicine/Epidemiology/Education 2 (H),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Socie
- OE-064 Stroke Onsets Have a Morning Peak Pattern Uninfluenced by the Risk Factor Status : 14 Year Observations Takashima Stroke Registry(OE11,Cerebrovascular Circulation/Stroke (H),Oral Presentation (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japa
- Prognostic Value of Q Wave for Cardiovascular Death in a 19-Year Prospective Study of the Japanese General Population
- Relationships between Family Histories of Stroke and of Hypertension and Stroke Mortality : NIPPON DATA80, 1980-1999
- OJ-139 Quantitative Assessment of Left Atrial Function in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation by Two-dimensional Speckle Tracking Imaging(OJ24,Echo/Doppler (Others) (I),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japane
- OJ-113 Immediate Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation can Provide Better Neurological Outcomes in Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest(OJ19,Cardiopulmonary and Critical Care/ACLS (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific
- Dietary Salt Intake and Blood Pressure in a Representative Japanese Population : Baseline Analyses of NIPPON DATA80
- PJ-760 Plasma Level of Leptin is a Predicting Factor for Chronic Restenosis after Drug-eluting Stent Implantation(PJ128,Coronary Revascularization, PCI (DES) 5 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation
- The Effect of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α on Tissue Specificity and Selectivity to Insulin Signaling
- Delayed Onset of Pulmonary Hypertension Associated With an Appetite Suppressant, Mazindol : A Case Report