Centro Brasileiro De Pesquisas Fisicas | 論文
- CHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment
- Magnetic properties of lamellar tetrataenite in Toluca iron meteorite
- Magnetic properties of tetrataenite-rich meteorites II
- Crystallographic and Magnetic Properties of R_3Fe_T_x and Their Nitrides, Carbides and Hydrides
- Fe-bearing phases in Antarctic carbonaceous chondrites Yamato-82162 and Yamato-86720: A Mossbauer study
- 3p-YA-3 遷移金属/Eu人工格子の^Euメスバウアー分光
- 13p-R-10 Fe/Eu人工格子の磁性
- Characteristics of natural remanent magnetization of Nova Petropolis iron meteorite (II)
- Mossbauer spectroscopy study of the metallic particles extracted from the Antarctic chondrite Allan Hills-769
- Fe-Ni alloys in a unique Antarctic meteorite: Yamato-791694
- Periodic Orbit Bifurcations and Scattering Time Delay Fluctuations(Quantum Mechanics and Chaos)
- Immunoadsorption procedure as a potential method for the specific β2-microglobulin removal from plasma of patients with chronic renal failure
- Axially Symmetric, Static Vacuum Fields
- Percolation and Nucleation Aproaches to Nuclear Fragmentation : Criticality in Very Small Systems
- Gauge Transformations and the Relativistic Invariance of Electrodynamics