Center for Developmental Biology RIKEN Kobe | 論文
- 6次元長期間ライブセルイメージングによるマウスクローン胚発生過程の解析
- Long-Term, Six-Dimensional Live-Cell Imaging for the Mouse Preimplantation Embryo That Does Not Affect Full-Term Development
- フリーズドライ状態で保存したマウス体細胞からの産仔の作出
- Efficient Strontium-Induced Activation of Mouse Oocytes in Standard Culture Media by Chelating Calcium
- 高濃度アルカリ処理した精子の顕微注入による産仔の作出
- ES細胞の樹立からみた「核移植と核のリプログラミング」 (特集 細胞核の初期化メカニズム--多能性・全能性獲得のナゾに迫る)
- How to Improve the Success Rate of Mouse Cloning Technology
- Successful Mouse Cloning of an Outbred Strain by Trichostatin A Treatment after Somatic Nuclear Transfer
- Effect of Vanadate on the Chromatin Configuration in Pig GV-oocytes
- 16年間凍結保存マウスからのクローン個体作製に成功 : DNAは思っている以上に安定. 絶滅動物の復活の可能性に一歩前進
- 16年前の凍結死体マウスからのクローン作出
- MOLECULAR EVOLUTION OF CARTILAGE(Taxonomy and Systematics,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- EST ANALYSIS OF GENE EXPRESSION IN NEURAL TUBE OF AMPHIOXUS(Endocrinology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- ROLE OF DjSNAP-25 IN THE PLANARIAN BRAIN(Physiology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 75^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- クローン技術による冷凍保存した個体の再生
- 体細胞および同一個体由来ntES細胞からのクローンマウスの作出
- Nuclear Transfer Preserves the Nuclear Genome of Freeze-Dried Mouse Cells
- Effects of Sirtinol on Early Development of the Cloned Murine Embryos
- Long-Term Preservation of Mouse Spermatozoa as Frozen Testicular Sections
- Successful Mouse Cloning of an Outbred Strain by Trichostatin A Treatment after Somatic Nuclear Transfer