Bioresource Center, RIKEN | 論文
- Sex-Reversed Somatic Cell Cloning in the Mouse
- Expression Profile and Localization of Mouse Calcitonin (CT) Sense/Antisense Transcripts in Pre- and Postnatal Tissue Development
- Contribution of Translin to Hematopoietic Regeneration after Sublethal Ionizing Irradiation(Highlighted paper selected by Editor-in-chief,Molecular and Cell Biology)
- Gene Expression of E2F1 in Chicken and Mouse Testes at Various Developmental Stages
- 1SK-06 ヒトとマウスの筋骨格モーフィングと筋張力解析(1SK 高速計算機シミュレーションによる生体機能解析へのアプローチ,日本生物物理学会第49回年会(2011年度))