Atomic Energy Research Institute, College of Science and Technology, Nihon University | 論文
- Estimation of |Vcb| and |Vub| from B Meson Semi-leptonic Decays in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model (フレイバ-物理における新しい物理)
- Electromagnetic Form Factors of Deuteron at Large Momentum Transfers in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model : Particles and Fields
- Indications for the Existence of Chiral Particles : the Axial-Vector D^χ_1 and the Scalar B^χ_0
- Light σ-Meson Production in Excited Υ Decay Processes II : Theoretical Investigation(§3. ππ Production Processes,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Light σ-Meson Production in Excited Υ Decay Processes I : Analyses(§3. ππ Production Processes,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Effect of Light σ-Meson Production in pp^- → 3π^0 at Rest
- Weak Radiative Decay Width Β^±→Κ^γ in COQM Including Long-Range Contributions
- Exclusive Weak Radiative Decays of B Mesons in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model : Nuclear Physics
- Hadronic Weak Decays of Λ_b Baryon in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model : Particles and Fields
- Non-Leptonic Two-Meson Decays of B Mesons in the Covariant Oscillator Quark Model with Factorization Ansatz : Particles and Fields
- How Do Neutrinos Propagate? : Wave-Packet Treatment of Neutrino Oscillation
- Evidence for Color-Excitation in Deep-Inelastic Charged-Current Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering
- Limit of the Weak Boson Mass from Recent Neutorion Date
- Strong and Radiative Decays of Ψ and Related Particles in the SU(3)'×SU(3)" Scheme of the Three-Triplet Model
- New Mass Enhancements in the Diffractive Nucleon Systems and Five-Quark Exotic Levels
- Abelian Projection of Massive Yang-Mills Theory (場の量子論の基礎的諸問題と応用)
- Electroweak Gauge Models with Broken Generation Symmetry
- An Analysis of ππ-Scatterubg Phase Shift and Existence of σ(555) Particle
- Covariant Level-Classification Scheme and Chiral Symmetry(§4. Meson Spectroscopy and Quark Model,Possible Existence of the σ-Meson and Its Implications to Hadron Physics)
- Covariant Quark Representation of Composite Meson Systems and Chiral Symmetry