Atmosphere And Ocean Research Institute University Of Tokyo | 論文
- Temporal changes in community composition of heterotrophic bacteria during in situ iron enrichment in the western subarctic Pacific (SEEDS-II)
- Evidence for the Grazing Hypothesis : Grazing Reduces Phytoplankton Responses of the HNLC Ecosystem to Iron Enrichment in the Western Subarctic Pacific (SEEDS II)
- Iron supply to the western subarctic Pacific : Importance of iron export from the Sea of Okhotsk
- Recent Comparability of Oceanographic Nutrients Data : Results of a 2003 Intercomparison Exercise Using Reference Materials
- Mesozooplankton response to iron enrichment during the diatom bloom and bloom decline in SERIES (NE Pacific)
- Phytoplankton community response to Fe and temperature gradients in the NE (SERIES) and NW (SEEDS) subarctic Pacific Ocean
- Developing a management procedure robust to uncertainty for southern bluefin tuna : a somewhat frustrating struggle to bridge the gap between ideals and reality
- Response of lower trophic organisms to nutrient input and effects on carbon budget : a mesocosm experiment
- Methyl halides in surface seawater and marine boundary layer of the northwest Pacific
- Life histories of Eucalanus bungii and Neocalanus cristatus (Copepoda : Calanoida) in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean
- Geographical Variation of Body Size of Neocalanus cristatus, N. plumchrus and N. flemingeri in the Subarctic Pacific and Its Marginal Seas: Implications for the Origin of Large Form of N. flemingeri in the Oyashio Area
- Life history strategies of subarctic copepods Neocalanus flemingeri and N. plumchrus, especially concerning lipid accumulation patterns
- Estimation of Standing Stock of Chlorophyll a and Primary Production from Remote-Sensed Ocean Color in the Oyashio Region, the Western Subarctic Pacific, during the Spring Bloom in 1997
- Application of Flow Cytometry for Measuring Changes in Intracellular RNA Contents of Marine Bacteria
- First capture of post-spawning female of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica at the southern West Mariana Ridge
- Embryonic development and morphology of eggs and newly hatched larvae of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii
- Effect of temperature decrease on oocyte development, sex steroids, and gonadotropin β-subunit mRNA expression levels in female Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
- Genetic identification and morphology of naturally spawned eggs of the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica collected in the western North Pacific
- Low genetic differentiation between two geographically separated populations of demersal gadiform fishes in the Southern Hemisphere
- Discovery of a spawning area of the common Japanese conger Conger myriaster along the Kyushu-Palau Ridge in the western North Pacific