Animal Resource Center, Central Institute for Experimental Animals | 論文
- 高齢および若齢雄ラットの交尾行動における心拍数の変化
- Quarantine for Contaminated Pathogens in Transplantable Human Tumors or Infections in Tumor Bearing Mice
- ラットにおける体重(精巣上体脂肪)および血中レプチンの血液脳関門通過率との関連性
- Comparison of Ultrasonic Vocalizations Emitted by Rodent Pups
- Copulatory Behavior and Fertility of Male House Musk Shrews (Suncus murinus) Paired with One, Two and Four Females Each
- Comparative Study on Circadian Rhythms of Body Temperature, Heart Rate, and Locomotor Activity in Three Species Hamsters
- Developmental Expression of Penile Reflexes and Copulatory Behavior in Male Rats
- Simultaneous Observation of Ingestive and Copulatory Behavior of the Male Rat
- Effects of i. c. v. Administration of Leptin on Copulatory and Ingestive Behavior in STZ-induced Diabetic Male Rats
- Comparative Study on Isolation Calls Emitted from Hamster Pups
- Prolactin Levels and Maternal Behavior Induced by Ultrasonic Vocalizations of the Rat Pup