香川医科大学医学部放射線科 | 論文
- A case of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the ovary : Usefulness of ^F-FDG PET for staging and assessment of the therapeutic response
- Usefulness of FDG-PET imaging for the radiotherapy treatment planning of pyothorax-associated lymphoma
- Contribution of whole body FDG-PET to the detection of distant metastasis in pancreatic cancer
- Superimposed dual-isotope SPECT using ^Tc-hydroxymethylene diphosphonate and ^Tl-chloride to assess cartilage invasion in laryngohypopharyngeal cancer
- A comparative study of ^Tl scintigraphy and three-phase bone scintigraphy following therapy in patients with bone and soft-tissue tumors
- CT Assessment of Pulmonary Emphysema Using Teleradiology
- Usefulness of ^Ga scintigraphy in extranodal malignant lymphoma patients
- Diagnosis of thyroid lymphoma and follow-up evaluation using Ga-67 scintigraphy
- ^Tc-GSA liver dynamic SPECT for the preoperative assessment of hepatectomy
- ^Tc-MIBI SPECT in small cell lung cancer patients before chemotherapy and after unresponsive chemotherapy
- Visualization of esophageal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma with Ga-67 scintigraphy
- Accumulation of technetium-99m pertechnetate in a patient with metastases of thyroid carcinoma
- 20.ぺースメーカーの陰影により発見が困難であった肺癌の2例 : 第38回日本肺癌学会中国・四国支部会
- Tc-99m Technegas scintigraphy to evaluate the lung ventilation in patients with oral corticosteroid-dependent bronchial asthma
- 肺気腫症例における ^Xe gas dynamic SPECT と thin-section CT との比較検討
- 肺気腫患者における^Tc-Technegas SPECTの定量化
- グラフ 肺高分化型腺癌の画像:種々相
- 高分解能CTで両肺野にびまん性スリガラス陰影を呈した異所性肺石灰化の1例
- P-78 Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma(BAC)のCT像(示説,CT,第40回日本肺癌学会総会号)
- Preoperative Identification of Subthalamic Nucleus for Deep Brain Stimulation Using Three-dimensional Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery Technique