金沢大学医学部歯科口腔外科学教室 | 論文
- 糖尿病患者の口腔領域の手術後の創傷治癒とその背景因子の検討
- 頸部郭清後, 内頸静脈の血行再建を行った1例
- Squamous cell carcinoma arised after cryotherapy for leukoplakia of buccal mucosa: Report of a case.
- 口腔感染症における嫌気性グラム陰性桿菌の検討
- A report of two cases about neurogenic tumor.
- Rreconstruction of mandible with osteomascular flap composed of clavicle and sternoclediomastoid muscle - Report of a case of radioosteomyelitis.:Report of a case of radioosteomyelitis
- Two cases of oral cancer in alcoholics with smoking habit.
- Bacteriological examination of the clinical status of oral and maxillofacial infections.
- 口腔内転移をきたした肺癌の3例
- 上下顎に発生した多発性根尖性セメント質異形成症の1例
- Long term remaining of the oily contrast medium in the oral floor: Report of a case.
- 口蓋部に神経線維腫の発現をみた von Recklinghausen 病の1例