福井大学医学部附属病院 循環器内科 | 論文
- In patients with heart failure and non-ischemic heart disease, cardiac troponin T is a reliable predictor of long-term echocardiographic changes and adverse cardiac events
- PJ-782 In Patients with Heart Failure, Cardiac Troponin T is a Reliable Predictor of Long-Term Echocardiographic Changes and Adverse Cardiac Events(PJ131,Heart Failure (Laboratory/Biomarkers) 2 (M),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meet
- PJ-374 In Patients with Advanced Heart Failure, Optimal Outpatient Infusion Therapy May Lower the Length of Hospitalization and Decrease the Cost(PJ063,Heart Failure (Treatment) 1 (M),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Jap
- PJ-344 Who is Suitable for Screening of Silent Coronary Atherosclerosis by 64 Slices-MDCT? : Retrospective Analysis in Asymptomatic 144 Patients(PJ058,CT/MRI (Coronary/Vascular) 1 (I),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Jap
- OJ-072 Serum Levels of Oxidized Low-density Lipoprotein Decrease during Successful Smoking Cessation(OJ12,Smoking/Alcohol/Life Style (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-070 Serum Levels of Soluble VEGF Receptor-2 Decrease during Successful Smoking Cessation(OJ12,Smoking/Alcohol/Life Style (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-069 Self-rating Depression Scale Score is a Strong Independent Predictor of Smoking Cessation Outcomes(OJ12,Smoking/Alcohol/Life Style (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- FRS-021 Left Ventricular Expression of Lectin-like Oxidized Low-density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 during the Development of Heart Failure(FRS5,Novel Biomarkers in Heart Failure (M),Featured Research Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The
- 3 Circulating Adiponectin Levels and Coronary Plaques in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome : JAPAN-ACS Subgroup Analysis(Late Breaking Clinical Trials II,The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- 3 Prevalence and Significance of Risk Factors in Japanese Patients Undergoing Coronary Revascularization : from CREDO-Kyoto Registry(Comprehensive Risk Management for Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease,Symposium 16 (SY-16) (H),The 73rd Annual Scientifi
- The clinical and hemodynamic factors that influence the concentrations of biomarkers of myocyte injury measured by high sensitive assay PATHFAST
- 98) 低用量ピオクリダゾンの投与は血中アディポネクチンを増加させる(日本循環器学会第130回東海・第115回北陸合同地方会)
- 88) 総腸骨静脈狭窄に対する経皮的静脈拡張術およびステント留置術の一例(日本循環器学会第130回東海・第115回北陸合同地方会)
- 34) 左上大静脈遺残を有しCRT-D植え込みに難渋した心不全の一例(日本循環器学会第130回東海・第115回北陸合同地方会)
- 36) イミダプリルのヒト心線維芽細胞におけるMatrix Metalloproteinase-2活性に対する効果(第114回日本循環器学会北陸地方会)
- 21) 健康診断での心電図検査直後に心室細動をきたした若年男性の一例(第114回日本循環器学会北陸地方会)
- 心室細動蘇生後の若年QT延長症候群患者に対し右房内で除細動リードのループを形成し除細動器植え込みを行った1例
- 17)急性心筋梗塞患者における来院時高血糖と冠微小循環との関連(日本循環器学会第128回東海・第113回北陸合同地方会)
- 22)心室細動をきたし植え込み型除細動器移植術を施行した先天性QT延長症候群とその1家系(第112回日本循環器学会北陸地方会)
- 21)症候性及び無症候性Brugada症候群における臨床的・心臓電気生理学的所見の検討(第112回日本循環器学会北陸地方会)