神戸大学 放 | 論文
- Multi-detector Row Helical CT of the Liver : Quantitative Assessment of Iodine Concentration of Intravenous Contrast Material on Multiphasic CT-A Prospective Randomized Study
- Transcatheter Arterial Embolization for Advanced Tumor Thrombus with Marked Arterioportal or Arteriovenous Shunt Complicating Hepatocellular Carcinoma
- Cystic Hamartoma of the Renal Pelvis:Imaging Features
- Application of Self-expanding Metallic Stents to Malignant Stricture following mechanically Stapled Esophagojejunostomy:Report of Two Cases
- Treatment of Metastatic Liver Tumors by Intermittent Repetitive Injection of an Angiogenensis Inhibitor Using an Implantable Port System in a Rabbit Model