町田市民病院口腔外科 | 論文
- A case of schwannoma developed from the submandiblar region.
- A case of epidermoid cyst in the mandible and its review of the literature.
- タイトル無し
- The alcohol blocking orthoptically by exposing the nerve operatively.
- A case of bilateral elongated styloid process and its review of the literature.
- A case of fibrous dysplasia occurred centering in the maxilla and its review of the literature.
- A case of stone-like calcified material developed in the buccal mucosa and its review of the literature.
- Management of osteomyelitis of the jaws in the patient with pycnodysostosis.
- A case of the non-keratinizing primordial cyst of median palate and its review of the literature.
- 舌下腺に発生した多形性腺腫の1例
- A case of odontogenic keratocyst.
- A case of monostotic fibrous dysplasia in the lower jaw.
- 口底部に発現した神経鞘腫の1例