A case of stone-like calcified material developed in the buccal mucosa and its review of the literature.
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It is well known that stone is formed in various organs when abnormal conditionsdevelop in organisms.Sialoliths and Phleboliths are observed relatively frequently in the field of Oral and Maxillo-facial surgery. There are papers only describing observation of stonelike calcified material in the soft tissue other than these diseases.<BR>We experienced one case showing stone-like calcified material in the left buccal mucosa and carried out various studies. The aim of the present paper is to describe the findings and the outline of this case.<BR>The patient was a 51-year-old man with chief complaint of pain of the left buccal mucosal area.At oral examination, a movable mass of index finger tip size and bone-like consistency was palpated above the left papilla parotidea. Roentgenographic findings revealed an almost round, whirl-like radiopacity of index finger tip size in the left buccal area. Roentgenography of the parotid gland was performed for differentiation from parotid stone.However, any relation with parotid gland and Stenon's duct was seen.Under clinical diagnosis of buccal mucosal tumor, the tumor was resected for biopsy on Sept. 5, 1985. The tumor was covered with a capsule of connective tissue with no adhesion to the surrounding tissues and resected en bloc relatively easily.The resected tumor was made of somewhat round, calcified material 15×13×12cm in size covered with thinned capsule of connective tissue.The cut surface showed laminated structure as a whole.Histopathologically, it was calcified material showing lamellar structure associated with nuclear necrotic tissue in the center.<BR>The analysis of composition by infrared absorption spectrum revealed that the material consisted of 52% Ca<SUB>3</SUB> (PO<SUB>4</SUB>) <SUB>2</SUB> and 48% CaCO<SUB>3</SUB>.Moreover X-ray diffraction analysis for determination of the crystalline structure, identified it as Ca<SUB>3</SUB> (PO4) <SUB>2</SUB>, nH<SUB>2</SUB>O, Ca<SUB>5</SUB>C1 (PO<SUB>4</SUB>) <SUB>3</SUB> with low crystallinity.
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