東京大学医学部附属病院 無菌治療部 | 論文
- 固形腫瘍に対する同種造血幹細胞移植
- 同種造血幹細胞移植における急性移植片対宿主病(GVHD)予防法
- HLAミスマッチ移植の立場から (診療controversy--medical decision makingのために HLA一致ドナーがいない場合の移植療法)
- Focus on 固形癌に対するミニ移植への期待--ドナーリンパ球による抗腫瘍効果
- Column 造血幹細胞移植患者における感染予防 (特集 抗菌薬の適正使用)
- 造血幹細胞移植の現状と問題点
- 最新創薬--薬の分子メカニズム(23)毒性軽減のために開発された抗真菌治療薬リポソーム製剤アムホテリシンB
- ミニ移植--前処置の毒性を軽減することにより同種造血幹細胞移植の適応を拡大する試み (第1土曜特集 造血器腫瘍のあらたな治療戦略) -- (新しい治療戦略のトピックス)
- Genomic profiling of malignant pleural mesothelioma with array-based comparative genomic hybridization shows frequent non-random chromosomal alteration regions including JUN amplification on 1p32
- Phase III Study of Ranimustine, Cyclophosphamide, Vincristine, Melphalan, and Prednisolone (MCNU-COP/MP) versus Modified COP/MP in Multiple Myeloma : A Japan Clinical Oncology Group Study, JCOG 9301
- Gastric low-grade B-cell MALT lymphoma : treatment, response, and genetic alteration
- Clinicopathologic Comparison between the API2-MALT1 Chimeric Transcriptpositive and -negative Gastric low-grade B-Cell Lymphoma of Mucosa-associated Lymphoid Tissue Type
- Ischemic Colitis as a Manifestation of Thrombotic Microangiopathy Following Bone Marrow Transplantation
- Frameshift Mutations of the hMSH6 Gene in Human Leukemia Cell Lines
- Subcellular localization of the MEN, MLI/MEN and truncated MLL proteins expressed in leukemic cells carrying the t(11;19)(q23;p13.1) translocation
- Imatinib Provides Durable Molecular and Cytogenetic Responses in a Practical Setting for Both Newly Diagnosed and Previously Treated Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia : A Study in Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
- Expression profiling analysis of the CD5^+ diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subgroup : Development of a CD5 signature
- Characterization of target genes at the 2p15-16 amplicon in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
- Randomized phase II study of concurrent and sequential rituximab and CHOP chemotherapy in untreated indolent B-cell lymphoma
- Senile Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated B-Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders : a Mini Review