東京医科歯科大学医学部保健衛生学科 | 論文
- Serum Peptidase Activity against DNP-Pro-Gln-Gly-lle-Ala-Gly-GIn-D-Arg-OH with Special Reference to Hepatic Diseases and Partial Characterization of its Enzymatic Property
- Arrhythmia : advances of diagnosis and medical treatment.2.Advances of pathology and diagnosis.3.Indications and the significance of cardioelectrophysiological inspection.
- The Problems in Determination of Serum GOT of Patients under Hemodialysis and Additional Effects of Pyridoxal Phosphate to Assay Medium
- Binding Capacities of Immunoassay Reagents for Remnant-like Partlcies to LDL and HDL by the Improved HPLC Method
- 仮想物体を操作できるノコギリ型力覚表示システムの開発
- 114 保育園経験者と乳児の能力に対する認知(口頭発表I,保育者の資質・保育者養成II)
- 自閉症児の医療機関受診にまつわる親が感じた困難とその対処法