昭和女子大学短期大学部英語英文学科 | 論文
- Communicative Competence : An Overview and Implications to TESOL
- Computers,Constructivism and the Japanese University Language Major
- Multimedia Software and Language Learning
- Building a Personal Language Learning Environment
- What Role Should Phonology Play in the M. A. TEF/SL Program?
- The English Language and Literature Department Curriculum Showa Women's University, Junior College Division (Part One)
- 学習環境の変化が英語学習活動に対する意識に及ぼす影響
- 日本人学習者の英語学習活動に対する意識 : 短期大学1・2年生を対象にして行ったアンケート調査をもとにして(第40回 (2001年度) JACET全国大会)
- 日本人学習者の好む学習活動と教師の求める学習活動とのミスマッチ
- Minimal Pairs Revisited : Do EFL Learners Have to be Able to Discriminate Basic English Phonemes to Become ProficientListeners?
- Do Students Think What Teachers Think? : A Survey about the Use of Japanese in the EFL Classroom
- The `Character' Issue in American Political Discourse
- 若きエマソンの葛藤 : 萌芽の形成過程について
- エマソンと実存 : Lebenを視座に
- エマソンと重層構造の世界 : Representative Men の中で ? プラトン
- エマソンとhumor : その深さと広さ
- Word Meaning Recall & Word Grouping on a Vocabulary Sight Test
- On the Development of Japanese EFL Learners' Communicative Competence
- Paradigms, Rights and Responsibilities, and the Road to Learner Autonomy