日本大学 内科2 | 論文
- Renoprotective Effect and Cost-Effectiveness of Using Benidipine, a Calcium Channel Blocker, to Lower the Dose of Angiotensin Receptor Blocker in Hypertensive Patients with Albumiuria
- PJ-225 Long-term Renoprotective Effect with Calcium Channel Blocker on Top of Either Maximum or Lower Dose Angiotensin Receptor Blocker in Hypertensives(Hypertension, clinical-9 (H) PJ38,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Mee
- White Coat Hypertension in Centenarians
- Time-Series Analysis of Systolic Blood Pressure Variation in Thirty-Three Uygur Centenarians in China
- Blood Pressure Variation and Potassium in Kazakhs
- White Coat Effect in Uygur Centenarians
- Relationship between circadian BP and electrolytes
- Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Uygur Centenarians
- Urinary electrolytes and hypertension in elderly Kazakhs
- IS132 Hypertension in the Longevity and Eldely Subjects of Xinjiang China
- 24 Hour Blood Pressure in Uygur, Kazakh and Han Elderly Subjects in China
- The Role of Cytochrome P-450 in Salt-Sensitive Stroke in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Caffeic Acid Inhibits Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation Induced by Angiotensin II in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Genistein Inhibits Expressions of NADPH Oxidase p22phox and Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor in Aortic Endothelial Cells from Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Probucol Decreases Mevalonate Pyrophosphate Decarboxylase in the Rat Liver(Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- Tea Polyphenols Regulate Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Oxidase Subunit Expression and Ameliorate Angiotensin II-Induced Hyperpermeability in Endothelial Cells
- Pharmacological Studies of Alcohol Susceptibility and Brain Monoamine Function in Stroke-Prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSP) and Stroke-Resistant Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRSR)
- Peroxisome Proliferative Drugs Do not Induce an Increase of Rat Mevalonate Pyrophosphate Decarboxylase(Biochemistry/Molecular Biology)
- Proposition of a Feasible Protocol to Evaluate Salt Sensitivity in a Population-Based Setting
- Prevalence of Obesity and Dyslipidemia in Middle-Aged Men and Women in Tanzania, Africa : Relationship with Resting Energy Expenditure and Dietary Factors