日本原子力研究所 保健物理安全管理部 | 論文
- SPring-8の放射線監視設備
- 呼気測定によるトリチウム体内汚染の推定
- 外部被曝による単位照射線量あたりの臓器吸収線量の比較検討
- 空気サンプリング管におけるサブミクロン粒子の沈着
- 臨界プラズマ試験装置(JT-60)の放射線管理
- 原子力施設から大気中へ放出されたヨウ化メチルの光分解速度の評価
- Estimation by Smearing of the Level of Tritium Surface Contamination
- Development of activated carbon fiber filter used for airborne radioiodine monitoring.
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- Day-to-day Variation of Urine 90Sr as Determined from Urine Calcium:A Cause of Error in the Estimation of Body 90Sr by Urinalysis
- Performance of Model 7FE Charcoal Filter for the Removal of Airborne Radioiodine:1. In-place Test for the Design of Air Cleaning System at Iodine-131 Production Facilities
- Occupational Exposure and Dose Reduction in Japan.
- A brief introduction of ICRP publication 43 : principles of monitoring for the radiation protection of the population.
- 放射性廃棄物浅地中埋設処分による地下水移行経路からの被曝線量の試算
- Variation of mutation frequency in Tradescantia stamen hairs cultivated near to a power reactor site.
- Variation of Radionuclide in Air
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