徳島県水産試験場 | 論文
- 瀬戸内海東部海域のメイタガレイ同胞種の遺伝生化学的検出と形態学的検討
- 多毛類によるトコブシ殻穿孔--主にPolydora属の種類について
- 紀伊水道外域産アオリイカの生態学的知見
- クロダイ稚魚のパストレラ感染症
- 褐藻アラメの1歳個体における成長と成熟
- アユのビブリオ病に対する経口ワクチンの効果について
- ニホンウナギのビブリオ病の病理組織学的研究-1-自然感染
- アユの細菌性鰓病の病理組織像
- Skin disease of Mugil cephalus due to Myxobolus sp. (Myxozoa: Myxobolidae.
- Studies on the Culture Pearls with Pincdata martensii-II:Notes on the Formation of "Thin-layered Pearl"
- Studies on red spot disease of pond-cultured eels—I:The occurrence of the disease in eel culture ponds in Tokushima prefecture in 1972
- 若狭湾西部海域におけるヒラメ仔魚の摂餌生態〔英文〕
- Characteristics of the causative agent of vibrio-infection prevailed from spring to summer in 1973 among cultured Ayu in Tokushima and Okayama
- Studies on Red Spot Disease of Pond Cultured Eels—III:A Case of the Disease in the European Eels (Anguilla anguilla) Cultured in Tokushima Prefecture
- Pathogenic Vibrio Isolated from Cultured Eels—II:Physiological Characteristics and Pathogenicity
- Vibrio anguillarum isolated from eels cultured in freshwater ponds
- An abnormality in the joint of elvers