広島大学 第1内科 | 論文
- 左前下行枝(LAD)近位部完全閉塞例の長期予後
- 大学新入生の消化器症状
- 大学職員を対象とした心電図検査--ST低下と虚血性心疾患リスクファクターの関連
- Advanced glycation end products enhance the proliferation and activation of hepatic stellate cells
- A Nuclear Receptor-mediated Choleretic Action of Fibrates is Associated with Enhanced Canalicular Membrane Fluidity and Transporter Activity Mediating Bile Acid-independent Bile Secretion
- Partial characterization of cytoprotective mechanisms of lecithin against bile salt-induced bile duct damage
- Choleretic action of diosgenin is based upon the increases in canalicular membrane fluidity and transporter activity mediating bile acid independent bile flow
- Hydrophilic bile salts have a cytoprotective effect against cyclosporine A-induced cholestasis through enhanced canalicular membrane fluidity and transporter activity
- 進行胃癌対策におけるペプシノゲン法の位置付け
- P369 ウサギ頚動脈balloon-injury modelにおけるprobucolの内膜肥厚抑制効果および平滑筋細胞集積抑制効果
- 脂質吸収障害の新しい評価法 : stable istope technique を用いて
- 91) AAEに対するCabrol手術経験 : 日本循環器学会第72回東海地方会
- Effect of organic anions on acyl chain composition of secreted biliary lecithin in rats: relation to hepatocellular vesicle pathway^1
- Tauroursodeoxycholate and taurochenodeoxycholate stabilize bile lipid metastability through different mechanisms: relation to phospholipid fatty acid composition
- Bilirubin overload modulates bile canalicular membrane fluidity in rats : association with disproportionate reduction of biliary lipid secretion
- 血清ぺプシノゲン値による胃癌スクリーニング法
- 脳腸ペプチド