帝京大学医学部耳鼻咽喉科学教室溝口病院 | 論文
- 重度の内臓奇形を持つ新生児の側頭骨病理所見
- 真珠腫による内耳瘻孔症例の二期手術所見
- 真珠腫による内耳瘻孔症例の術後聴力
- 内頸動脈走行異常を伴った慢性中耳炎症例
- Antigenicity of Drugs Administered Using a Nebulizer.
- Tympanoplasty for cholesteatoma in relation to the patient's age.
- Present status of nebulizer therapy for chronic sinusitis.
- 小児の扁桃摘出術前後のいびきと睡眠時無呼吸
- Effects of Hypertrophied Palatine Tonsils. Results of Questionnaire Survey.:Results of a Questionnaire Survey
- 成人の咽後膿瘍の3症例
- External ear canal tumors in seven patients.
- Preoperative and postoperative evaluation with a simplified respiration monitor of sleep apnea. Associated with nasal and pharyngeal diseases.:-Associated with Nasal and Pharyngeal Diseases-
- Clinical observation for sudden deafness. Treatment with stellate ganglion block.:-Treatment with Stellate Ganglion Block-