島根大学総合理工学研究科 | 論文
- 島根県美郷町にみられる古第三紀川内コールドロンの南東部の構造について
- Oscillation problem for half-linear differential equations with periodic damping(Dynamics of functional equations and numerical simulation)
- Oscillation and comparison theorems for second-order half-linear differential equations (Functional Equations and Complex Systems)
- Oscillation Theorems for Nonlinear Differential Equations with $p$-Laplacian and Its Application to Elliptic Equation (Mathematical models and dynamics of functional equations)
- Oscillation Problem for Elliptic Equations with Nonlinear Perturbed Terms (Variational Problems and Related Topics)
- Oscillatory solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with nonlinear perturbed terms in exterior domains (Functional Equations in Mathematical Models)
- Applications of Phase Plane Analysis of a Lienard System to Positive Solutions of Schrodinger Equations (Dynamics of Functional Equations and Related Topics)
- NONOSCILLATION THEOREMS FOR SECOND ORDER NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF EULER TYPE (Qualitative theory of functional equations and its application to mathematical science)
- Complexified Penner's coordinates and its applications (Analysis and Topology of Discrete Groups and Hyperbolic Spaces)
- 穴あき曲面群の$SL(2,\mathbb{C})$表現とトレース恒等式 (双曲空間に関連する研究とその展望)
- $\lambda$ lengthの複素化について (双曲空間及び離散群の研究)
- Punctured Surface 上のホロサイクル間の距離について
- Length parameters for Teichmuller space of punctured surfaces(Complex Analysis on Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds)
- Global asymptotic stability for half-linear differential equations with bounded coefficients(Functional Equations Based upon Phenomena)
- Asymptotic behavior of solutions of half-linear differential equations with variable coefficients(Dynamics of functional equations and numerical simulation)
- Homoclinic orbits in predator-prey systems with an Allee effect (Functional Equations and Complex Systems)
- Global phase portraits of planar autonomous half-linear systems (Functional Equations and Complex Systems)
- Oscillation criteria for nonlinear difference equations (Functional Equations in Mathematical Models)
- On the asymptotic stability of the zero solution of generalized Lienard systems with parameters : Local implies Global? (Functional Equations in Mathematical Models)
- SOME COMPLETE-TYPE MAPS (General and geometric topology today and their problems)