岐阜大学農学部獣医学科家畜解剖学 | 論文
- Neurotensin-Containing Endocrine Cells and Neurotensin Receptor mRNA-Expressing Epithelial Cells in the Chicken Thymus
- Osteological and genetic analysis of the extinct Ezo wolf (Canis lupus hattai) from Hokkaido Island, Japan
- Mitochondrial DNA analysis of the Japanese wolf (Canis lupus hodophilax Temminck, 1839) and comparison with representative wolf and domestic dog haplotypes
- Taste buds and nerve fibers in the rat larynx : an ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study
- Neurotensin Pathway in the Chicken Thymus
- ナキウサギの回盲腸付属リンパ装置の形態と濾胞関連上皮の抗原移送能について
- アポクリン汗腺
- ナキウサギ脾臓の形態学および微細血管走行
- イヌの交感神経節の軸索に蓄積したグリコーゲン穎粒
- Immunocytochemical Identification of Four Cell Types in the Pancreatic Islets of the Japanese Serow, Capricornis crispus : COMMUNICATION : Morphology
- Immunohistochemical Demonstration of S-100 Protein in the Chick Non-Nervous Tissues : Morphology
- Cytoplasmic Tubular Arrays in Canine Neurons Containing Intracisternal Microtubules
- リチウム投与がラット生体内各臓器に及ぼす組織学的影響および各ミネラル濃度変化への影響
- Amino acid substitutions at positions 242, 255 and 268 in rabies virus glycoprotein affect spread of viral infection
- The activity of AChE in dilated RER containing intracisternal microtubules
- Apocrine Gland of the Infraorbital Gland of the Japanese Serow,Capricornis crispus