富山医科薬科大学 放 | 論文
- 歯科印象剤による鼻腔異物例
- 当科におけるミトコンドリアDNA3243変異の1家系
- 末梢性前庭機能異常例にみられた視運動性前庭性動眼反射の異常 (前庭機能異常の研究-3-)
- 富山県におけるメニエ-ル病患者の疫学調査 (前庭機能異常の研究-3-)
- An Epidemiological Study of Peripheral Vestibular Disorders in Toyama Prefecture
- Equilibrium disorders and autonomic nervous dysfunction. From the results of ECG RR interval and schellong test.:-From the Results of ECG RR Interval and Schellong Test-
- Clinical observations of elderly patients with vertigo and/or dizziness. 1. With special reference to statistical observations.:With Special Reference to Statistical Observations
- メニエール病の長期経過観察例の推移-AAOHNSの判定基準による Isosorbide の治療効果について-
- Influence of a Cold Front on the Onset of Meniere's Disease 2dn Report
- Reconstruction of carotid artery and jugular vein - Problems of surgical technique.:-Problems of Surgical Technique-
- Neurotogical Evaluation of Endolymphatic Mastoid Shunt Operation for Meniere's Disease
- Epidemiological Studies of Meniere's Disease in Toyama Prefecture:in Comparison with the Findings of 2nd Nation-wide Survey
- Studies on Criteria for Diagnosis of Meniere's Disease