国立精神・神経センター病院 小児神経科 | 論文
- 先天性白内障, 精神発達遅滞と末梢神経障害を伴う複合型痙性対麻痺の1例
- Polymicrogyria and infantile spasms in a patient with 1p36 deletion syndrome
- Augmented startle responses in opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome
- Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome with infantile spasms and delayed myelination
- CD4^+ CD25^ regulatory T cell in childhood ocular myasthenia gravis
- Effects of low-dose hydrochlorothiazide on urolithiasis and bone metabolism in severely disabled individuals : A pilot study
- Acute autonomic sensory and motor neuropathy associated with parvovirus B19 infection
- SISCOM technique with a variable Z score improves detectability of focal cortical dysplasia : a comparative study with MRI