国立精神・神経センター病院 小児神経科 | 論文
- II C12 Treatment of intractable epilepsies with supratherapeutic levels of phenobarbital
- Mechanical ventilation care in severe childhood neurological disorders
- Diagnosis of Alexander disease in a Japanese patient by molecular genetic analysis
- A severely brain-damaged case of 3-hydroxyisobutyric aciduria
- Paroxysmal discharges on EEG in young autistic patients are frequent in frontal regions
- Siblings of Schwartz-Jampel Syndrome with abnormal muscle computed tomographic findings
- Transient seizure disappearance due to bilateral striatal necrosis in a patient with intractable epilepsy
- Down 症候群児の脳幹・小脳病変, 髄鞘化の MRI による検討
- 筋緊張低下 (乳幼児診療AtoZ) -- (乳幼児における症状・症候--診察所見を中心とした診断へのアプローチ)
- 筋痛,筋力低下,筋緊張低下 (特集 子どもの臨床検査--症候から診断・治療へ) -- (症候からみる臨床検査の進めかた)
- 乳児期発症 Pompe 病患児に対する酵素補充療法
- B-06 痙攣性てんかん重積症の治療手順の検討
- III B9 Resective epilepsy surgery in children : comparison between younger and older age groups
- Non-convulsive status epilepticus and audiogenic seizures complicating a patient with asymmetrical epileptic spasms
- Thiamine-deficient encephalopathy due to excessive intake of isotonic drink or overstrict diet therapy in Japanese children
- Postnatal evolution of cortical malformation in the "non-affected" hemisphere of hemimegalencephaly
- 人工呼吸療法 肺の成長も考えた呼吸ケアを--小児神経・筋疾患の呼吸ケア
- ミトコンドリア病 (特集 脳・神経系の画像診断) -- (疾患各論)
- Hemifacial seizures due to ganglioglioma of cerebellum
- Brain perfusion SPECT and EEG findings in children with autism spectrum disorders and medically intractable epilepsy