国立成育医療センター 臨床検査部 | 論文
- 新生児マス・スクリーニングで発見された先天性副腎過形成症(21-水酸化酵素欠損症)の治療指針(1999年改訂)
- 先天性甲状腺機能低下症マススクリーニングのガイドライン(1998年版)
- 中枢性思春期早発症
- Growth Hormone (GH) Effects on Central Fat Accumulation in Adult Japanese GH Deficient Patients : 6-month Fixed-dose Effects Persist during Second 6-month Individualized-dose Phase
- Metabolic Effects of Human Growth Hormone Isoform (20k-hGH) in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency
- Metabolic Effects of Human Growth Hormone Isoform (20 k-hGH) in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency
- Growth Potential法と日本人標準Bayley-Pinneau法を用いた低身長児の予測最終身長の検討
- 成育医療センターにおけ遺伝子診療の現状--遺伝カウンセリングナースの役割 (ワークショップ:遺伝子診療部・遺伝外来での看護職者の役割)
- 若年婦人の会陰部に発生した横紋筋肉腫の1例
- Serum Concentrations of BNP and ANP in Patients with Thyrotoxicosis
- Leptin Regulation of the Thyroids : Negative Regulation on Thyroid Hormone Levels in Euthyroid Subjects and Inhibitory Effects on Iodide Uptake and Na^+/I^- Symporter mRNA Expression in Rat FRTL-5 Cells
- Increased Expression of Phosphorylated p70S6 Kinase and Akt in Papillary Thyroid Cancer Tissues
- Serum Leptin Levels and Bioelectrical lmpedance Assessment of Body Composition in Patients with Graves' Disease and Hypothyroidism
- Effect of Cytokines on Producton of Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs) from Human Fibroblasts in Culture
- Interaction between Leptin and Growth Hormone (GH)/IGF-I Axis
- Pharmacokinetics and Metabolic Effects of High-Dose Growth Hormone Administration in Healthy Adult Men
- Seven Cases of Diabetes Mellitus in Turner Syndrome
- Lipohypertrophy in a Patient with Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency Type IA (IGHD IA) Treated with IGF-I
- Latent Adrenal Insufficiency in Two Patients with Childhood-Onset Pitutary Hormone Deficiency
- 184 口腔癌における放射線治療の細胞学的検討と病理組織学的治療効果判定