国立成育医療センター研究所 小児思春期発育研究部 | 論文
- 7番染色体母性片親性イソダイソミーを認め特異な臨床像を呈する Silver Russell 症候群(SRS)の1例
- Determination of specific activities and kinetic constants of biotinidase and lipoamidase in LEW rat and Lactobacillus casei (Shirota)
- リポイド副腎過形成で思春期発来後の経過を観察しえた男性成人例
- リポイド副腎過形成で思春期発来後の経過を観察しえた男性成人例
- 抗リウマチ剤 (特集 子どもの薬--私なら今これをこう使う) -- (小児に日常よく使われる薬とその使い方)
- 内分泌攪乱物質と男児外陰部異常
- Noonan症候群の遺伝的基盤 (特集/小児内分泌・代謝疾患の分子基盤) -- (成長障害)
- Seven Cases of Diabetes Mellitus in Turner Syndrome
- Lipohypertrophy in a Patient with Isolated Growth Hormone Deficiency Type IA (IGHD IA) Treated with IGF-I
- Latent Adrenal Insufficiency in Two Patients with Childhood-Onset Pitutary Hormone Deficiency
- P450 oxidoreductase (POR) 遺伝子異常症
- Trends in Age and Anthropometric Data at Start of Growth Hormone Treatment for Girls with Turner Syndrome in Japan
- Novel Missense Mutation in the P-Box of Androgen Receptor in a Patient with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
- Prediction of Pubertal Growth at Start of Estrogen Replacement Therapy in Turner Syndrome
- Nonclassic Steroid 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency due to a Homozygous V281L Mutation in CYP21A2 Detected by the Neonatal Mass-Screening Program in Japan
- Replacement of Alanine with Asparagic Acid at Position 203 in Human Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Protein Impairs the Ability to Enhance Steroidogenesis in vitro
- No Improvement of Adult Height in Non-growth Hormone (GH) Deficient Short Children with GH Treatment
- The Comparison of the Effects of Short-Term Growth Hormone Treatment in Patients with Achondroplasia and with Hypochondroplasia
- 小児の薬物療法では何を留意すべきか (特集 膠原病診療のブレークスルー--早期診断・早期治療のポイント) -- (特殊な状況への配慮)
- 血管炎症候群--川崎病,Henoch-Schonlein紫斑病を除く (小児の治療指針) -- (リウマチ・膠原病)