名大STEL | 論文
- 冬季北極域における成層圏エアロゾル : 粒径分布の特徴と輸送過程
- ライダー観測による極域成層圏雲の解析(1994/1995年冬季 : Ny-Alesund)
- B211 福岡での2008年春季エアロゾル光学特性集中観測(エアロゾル)
- Discovery of Molecular Loop 3 in the Galactic Center : Evidence for a Positive-Velocity Magnetically Floated Loop towards L=355°-359°
- A Peculiar Jet and Arc of Molecular Gas toward the Rich and Young Stellar Cluster Westerlund 2 and a TeV Gamma Ray Source
- Aligned Molecular Clouds towards SS 433 and L = 348°.5 : Possible Evidence for a Galactic "Vapor Trail" Created by a Relativistic Jet
- Ground-Based Millimeter-Wave Radiometer for Measuring the Stratospheric Ozone over Rikubetsu, Japan
- P408 陸別ミリ波放射計で観測された成層圏オゾンの短期変動解析
- An Unbiased Search for Molecular Clouds in the Southern Galactic Warp
- D307 地上ミリ波放射計による成層圏・中間圏の水蒸気観測 : H_2^O観測結果とH_2O,H_2^O同時観測計画(物質循環II)
- Discovery of Interacting Molecular Gas toward the TeV Gamma-Ray Peak of the SNR G 347.3-0.5
- 渦位予報システムおよび一酸化塩素濃度予報システムの構築
- CO Column Density and Extinction in the Chamaeleon II-III Dark-Cloud Complex
- Study of L 688/L 694/L 700: a Complex of Dark Clouds in Aquila
- ^CO Molecular Cloud Survey and Global Star Formation in Lupus
- A Large Scale ^CO (J = 1-0) Survey toward the Chamaeleon Region with NANTEN
- A Large-Scale Study of H^CO^+and C^O (J = 1-0) in Orion B
- The Most Massive C^O Molecular Complex in Centaurus and Star Formation Therein
- A ^CO (J =1-0) Survey of Molecular Clouds toward the Vela Supernova Remnant with NANTEN
- A Survey for High-Latitude Molecular Clouds toward Infrared-Excess Clouds with NANTEN