北大・院地球環境 | 論文
- Molecular phylogeny of East Asian moles inferred from the sequence variation of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene
- Intraspecific differentiation in the lesser Japanese mole in eastern Honshu, Japan, indicated by nuclear and mitochondrial gene analyses.
- Differential geographic patterns of mitochondrial DNA variation in two sympatric species of Japanese wood mice, Apodemus speciosus and A. argenteus
- TEMPORAL, SPATIAL, AND ECOLOGICAL MODES OF EVOLUTION IN MUS FROM EURASIA BASED ON MITOCHONDRIAL AND NUCLEAR GENE SEQUENCES(Taxonomy and Systematics & Cell Biology and Morphology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological
- オキナワトゲネズミ再発見と,トゲネズミ研究の最近
- 日本の野生哺乳類にみる毛色の進化 (特集 毛や羽の色の遺伝学)
- 琉球列島の哺乳類の分子生物地理 (2001年度〔日本哺乳類学会〕大会シンポジウム報告)
- ヤマネの地理的変異と起源
- 家兎の視神経内リンパ排出路の研究
- Preliminary genetic characterization of two lineages of black rats (Rattus rattus sensu lato) in Japan, with evidence for introgression at several localities
- SEARCHING OF FILAMIN B-BINDING PROTEIN FROM CHICKEN BRAIN(Cell Biology and Morphology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- A trend of central versus peripheral structuring in mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences of the Japanese wood mouse, Apodemus speciosus
- Mus lepidoides (Muridae, Rodentia) of central Burma is a distinct species of potentially great evolutionary and biogeographic significance
- Comparative analysis of evolutionary modes in Mc1r coat color gene in wild mice and mustelids
- Mitochondrial Phylogeography and Population History of the Large Japanese Wood Mouse (Apodemus speciosus) on Sado Island, Japan
- Geographic variation of Mus caroli from East and Southeast ASIA based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
- Molecular phylogeny of Japanese Leporidae, the Amami rabbit Pentalagus furnessi, the Japanese hare Lepus brachyurus, and the mountain hare Lepus timidus, inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences
- The Large Japanese Wood Mouse, As a Valuable Model Organism for Biodiversity Science(From Model Laboratory Species to Model Wild Species; the Next Generation of Model Animals Derived from Japan, but Applicable Worldwide: Japanese Wood Mouse, Japanese Meda
- 組換現象に着目した集団ハプロタイプ構造解析法 : 分かれと出会いの系統地理学(2011年度日本動物分類学会シンポジウム)
- 立教大学原子力研究所との出会い(若い声)