Geographic variation of Mus caroli from East and Southeast ASIA based on mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
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We examined intraspecific genetic variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp) in the Okinawa mouse, Mus caroli (Rodentia, Muridae), from Okinawa, Taiwan, Hainan, Yunnan (southern China), Thailand, Vietnam and Java, to better understand their evolutionary history and human impact on dispersal and colonization by the mice. Populations from each of the seven localities had distinctive mitochondrial DNA sequences. The genetic distances, ranging from 0.015 to 0.045 (0.033 on average), were comparable with inter-subspecies differences in the house mouse Mus musculus (0.024). Assuming that nucleotide substitutions occur at a constant rate of 0.024/million years/lineage for mitochondrial DNA, the divergence of in M. caroli is estimated to have occurred 0.3-0.9 million years ago. The relatively great extent of intraspecific mitochondrial DNA variation in this taxon, and the spatial mode of variation suggest that M. caroli is genetically structured in space, to a considerable extent. Our data imply that local insular populations of M. caroli have been separated for long evolutionary periods, and that the scattered distribution patterns in the insular domains are due to historical shrinkage of appropriate areas of habitat, rather than to recent establishment of dispersed local populations by inadvertent human introductions.
- 日本哺乳類学会の論文
- 2003-06-01
鈴木 仁
土屋 公幸
鈴木 仁
森脇 和郎
JIN Mei-Lei
Shanghai Laboratory Animal Center, Academia Sinica
森脇 和郎
土屋 公幸
土屋 公幸
土屋 公幸
鈴木 仁
RIKEN BioResource Center
Moriwaki K
Riken Tsukuba Inst. Ibaraki Jpn
森脇 和郎
森脇 和郎
Moriwaki Kazuo
National Institute Of Genetics
Moriwaki Kazuo
Department Of Genetics Central Institute For Experimental Animals
Moriwaki Kazuo
Riken Bioresource Center Riken Tsukuba Institute
Moriwaki Kazuo
Natl. Inst. Genetics
Moriwaki Kazuo
Zoological Laboratory Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
Moriwaki Kazuo
Bio Resource Centre Riken Tsukuba Institute
Moriwaki Kazuo
Department Of Cell Genetics National Institute Of Genetics
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Applied Biology Co. Ltd. Tokyo Jpn
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Laboratory Of Wild Animals Department Of Animal Sciences Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya Kimisachi
Department Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya K
Department Of Zootechnical Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya K
Experimental Animal Center Miyazaki Medical College
Tsuchiya K
Tokyo Univ. Agriculture Kanagawa Jpn
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Department Zootechnical Science Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Suzuki Hitoshi
Graduate School of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
森脇 和郎
森脇 和郎
Jin Mei-lei
Shanghai Research Center Of Biotechnology Shanghai Institutes For Biological Sciences Chinese Academ
Suzuki H
Laboratory Of Ecology And Genetics Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido Universit
Graduate School of Environmental Earth science, Hokkaido University
SUYANT Agustinus
Reserch Centre for Biology, Indonesian Institute of sciences
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Laboratory Of Bioresources Applied Biology Co. Ltd.
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Department Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Lab. Of Wild Animals Dep. Of Animal Sciences Fac. Of Agriculture Tokyo Univ. Of Agriculture
Tsuchiya Kimiyuki
Exp. Anim. Center Miyazaki Med. Coll.
森脇 和郎
Riken Bioresource Center
Suzuki Hitoshi
Graduate School Of Advanced Sciences Of Matter Hiroshima University
Terashima Mie
Graduate School of Environmental Earth science, Hokkaido University
Suyanto Agustinus
Reserch Centre for Biology, Indonesian Institute of sciences
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