京都第一赤十字病院 循環器科 | 論文
- PE-394 p53 and SCO2 (Synthesis of Cytochrome c Oxidase 2) Augment the Progression of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy(PE066,Diabetes 2 (H),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 16) 当院におけるRotablatorの運用状況について(第105回日本循環器学会近畿地方会)
- PDE3阻害薬/hANP (特集 救急領域における循環器用薬の使い方) -- (救急現場で必要な循環器用薬)
- クリニカルパスの現状と課題
- 2 Long-term Clinical Outcome after Intramuscular Implantation of Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells (TACT Trial) in Patients with Chronic Limb Ischemia(Regenerative Therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease,Symposium 12 (SY-12) (I),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeti
- OE-232 p53 as a New Target of Cardiac Metabolism(Metabolism/Biochemistry/Energetics(01)(M),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 1 Intracoronary Transplantation of Non-Expanded Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(Symposium 12 (SY-12) (M) Clinical Experiences of Regenerative Medicine in Cardiovascular Diseases,Special Program,The 72nd Annu
- Aldosterone Nongenomically Produces NADPH Oxidase-Dependent Reactive Oxygen Species and Induces Myocyte Apoptosis
- 5 Intracoronary Transplantation of Non-Expanded Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Promotes Improvement of Cardiac Function in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(Cell-Based Cardiac Repair for Heart Failure,Meet the Expert 6 (ME6) (M),The 70th Anniv
- 6 Angiogenic Cell Therapy by Bone Marrow- and Peripheral Blood-Mononuclear Cells for Patients with Ischemic Limbs (TACT) and AMI (TACT-PB-AMI)(Angiogenesis-Clinical and Experimental New Findings,Symposium 3 (SY3) (H),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific
- PE-354 Aortic Valve Thickness Depends on Cardiac ACE Activity, not Blood Pressure in 1K-, 1K1C-, and 2K1C-Rabbit Models(PE060,Valvular Heart Disease (M),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- 左室造影にて興味ある所見を得た狭心症の1例
- コンピュータ使用による大動脈脈波速度(PWV)測定 : エラスターゼの効果の評価
- PTCR, PTCAが奏効した高齢者心筋梗塞の1例
- ISDN静脈内投与による冠血管拡張能の定量的評価 : 冠動脈内投与法と比較して
- PTCA後再梗塞を発症したと考えられる1剖検例
- 心筋梗塞症例における心拡張期指標の検討 : 心プールシンチグラフィーを用いて
- 10. 胸痛発作を伴う過換気症候群の1例(第13回日本心身医学会近畿地方会演題抄録)
- Overexpression of PRAD1/cyclin D1 in plasma cell leukemia with t(11;14)(q13;q32)
- Expression of Adhesion Molecules on Myeloma Cells