京都大学 理学研究科 | 論文
- 階層的地球流体スペクトルモデル集SPMODEL(ながれマルチメディア)
- SELENE計画の目指す統合サイエンス : 月の科学
- Expression of various cytokine genes during radiation-induced thymic lymphomagenesis
- 中性子過剰核^Bのクラスター構造とそれを反映したフラグメント生成機構(軽い核におけるクラスター構造の発達(II),不安定核の構造と反応,研究会報告)
- 一次元格子熱伝導系における定常測度の漸近挙動と系の対称性(複雑な多谷ポテンシャルエネルギー面上で生起する動力学諸問題-タンパク質とその周辺-,研究会報告)
- Cytogenetic Analysis of Thymocytes during Early Stages after Irradiation in Mice with Different Susceptibilities to Radiation-Induced Lymphomagenesis
- Analysis of Early Initiating Event(s) in Radiation-induced Thymic Lymphomagenesis
- 91 Effect of NP95 Deficiency on Caffeine Action in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells(Repair of radiation damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 71 Involvement of NP95 in G2/M Arrest and Its Colocalization with H2AX after X-irradiation(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 105 Effect of DNA Ligase IV Deficiency on Muagenesis with Alleilic Losses in FM3A cells(Repair of radiation damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Isolation of Murine Np95-Human Homologue (hNp95) that Confers Resistance to Ionizing Radiation
- NP95 Confers Resistance to DNA Damage on Murine ES Cells
- Suppression of Spontaneous Mutation by NP95 in Mouse ES Cells
- Np95 May Play Some Role in Maintaining Genomic Stability.
- A Novel Nuclear Protein NP95 Associated with Radiosensitivity and Lymphomagenesis
- Temporal and Spatial Localization of Novel Nuclear Protein NP95 in Mitotic and Meiotic Cells
- Identification of responsible gene and aberration of V(D)J recombination for radiosensitive mouse cell line SX9.
- Expression of np95 Nuclear Protein during Radiation-induced Thymic Lymphomagenesis and its Distribution in Nuclei.
- Genomic structure of the murine DNA-PKcs gene.
- Cellular Study of Strain Difference in Radiation-induced Lymphomagenesis with use of Thyl Congenic Mice